A hand covering a blurred computer screen

Overcoming Porn Addiction: Resources and Treatment

Understand the symptoms and effects of porn addiction. Use The Cabin Chiang Maiโ€™s resources to overcome this behavioural disorder.
Pornosexuals and Porn Addiction

Is โ€˜Pornosexualityโ€™ Just a Clever Name for Porn Addiction?

A newly minted term โ€“ pornosexual โ€“ is being used by some to describe those whose sexual preferences lie more strongly with porn than with actual sex. What is โ€˜pornosexualityโ€™ and what does it have to do with porn addiction? If you prefer watching porn over having sex with a human, then according to some…
Does Watching Porn at a Young Age Increase Your Chances of Sex Addiction?

Does Watching Porn at a Young Age Increase Your Chances of Sex Addiction?

As famous cases such as Terry Crews and Josh Duggar prove, sex and porn addiction can have harrowing effects on a personโ€™s life. We take an in-depth look at these addictions and their increased risk for those who are exposed to pornography at a young age. Young peopleโ€™s exposure to pornography has reached an all-time…
gty porn addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Porn Addiction

What is Porn Addiction? Porn addiction is a type of process (behavioural) addiction. When someone with a process addiction partakes in a particular behaviour (in this case viewing porn), the reaction in the brain is very similar to that of someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs. Other types of process addictions include internet,…
Actor Terry Crews Opens Up About Porn Addiction

Actor Terry Crews Opens Up About Porn Addiction

Porn addiction can be as debilitating as any other addiction. Actor Terry Crews opens up about his porn addiction in an attempt to break the stigma surrounding this disease and encourage others who are addicted to get the treatment that they need. Former American football player, Terry Crews, is probably best known for his acting…
โ€˜Chemsexโ€™ and the Dangers of Drugโ€Fuelled Sex

What Is Chemsex Addiction? Learn About The Dangers

Sex is a natural and healthy part of life, but it can become risky when combined with drug use. “Chemsex” is a documentary that highlights the dark side of an underground, drug-fueled gay sex scene that is causing harm to many people. You can learn more about its dangers and treatment options in this article.
Signs and Symptoms of Sex Addiction

Am I Addicted to Sex? Signs and Symptoms of Sex Addiction

Is sex always on your mind? Ever wonder if you have a sex addiction? In this article we have put together a list of questions that you can ask yourself to find out if you should be seeking treatment. Sex is a normal part of human life. Sex is needed to procreate of course, and…
Sex Addiction

Profiles of a sex addict

New Trend in London has Meth Addiction Rising in Gay Community

New Trend in London has Meth Addiction Rising in Gay Community

Known as โ€˜slammingโ€™, men in Londonโ€™s gay scene are turning to meth as their new โ€˜party drugโ€™. But the side effects are grim; rising rates of HIV, HepC and meth addiction have officials calling it a public health epidemic. A new trend has shown up in London’s gay scene known as โ€˜slamming’ or โ€˜sex chem’….