Everyone experiences mood swings and bouts of depression, without the use of alcohol. However, studies are showing alcohol has a significant effect on a person’s mood and depression; it can increase the intensity and duration.
Many alcoholics report that they drank mainly to enhance their mood or self medicate their own problems like depression, stress, and anxiety. Alcohol addiction is a serious issue and help must be sought at an alcohol addiction centre. Once an alcoholic is in alcohol recovery they will be able to focus on treating the underlying causes of their addiction and depression.
Alcohol and the Brain
Alcohol depresses the brain mechanisms that control a person’s inhibitions. When this happens the stimuli that trigger euphoria and depression are freed up. What this means is that when a person consumes alcohol, their brain does not allow the stopping of theses stimuli. As a result, the brain is free to swing between extremes of euphoria, depression, and anything in between. Alcohol recovery at an alcohol addiction centre helps you to control these moods caused by excessive drinking and can focus on treating your depression.
Studies have shown that the neurotransmitters also have a part in the mood swings that are contributed to alcohol intake; such as, serotonin and dopamine. Neurotransmitters help to transmit pleasure signals to different regions of the brain. It is not exactly known how neurotransmitters contribute to mood changes when alcohol is consumed; what is known however is, that it does play a major role and excessive drinking can have a huge impact on your life. In this case seeking help for alcohol recovery at an alcohol addiction centre is essential.
Serotonin levels can affect a person’s mood; because, the effect it has on the signals being transmitted in the brain. Alcohol can cause fluctuations in serotonin levels. When these fluctuations happen, chemical imbalances can occur; therefore, this causes an alteration in a person’s behaviour.
Alcohol also increases the production of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released as an amino acid in to the brain. Dopamine effects movement, emotions, and perception. Dopamine is necessary for the nervous system to function properly. Alcohol can destroy the nerve cells that produce dopamine, when this happens, negative health problems can occur; such as, Parkinson’s. Seeking help for alcohol recovery at an alcohol addiction centre can limit the chances of these health risks whilst helping you to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle.
Disrupting the Balance
A person’s brain functions in a specific, balanced, and delicate way. When alcohol is consumed, the balance that the brain requires becomes disrupted. Mood swings, depression, and other emotional disorders normally go together with alcoholism. When a person becomes addicted to alcohol, they may seem to be permanently depressed and pessimistic. This is because in chronic drinking, the ethanol found in alcohol disrupts the natural balance between dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in the brain.
The alcoholic begins to focus their attention on drinking, they may lose everything. All of this can worsen their depression. They may feel like alcohol is the only thing that is keeping them going, when it is actually only holding them back. Beginning alcohol recovery at an alcohol addiction centre can help to rebuild an alcoholic’s life and help them cope with their depression.
Gene and Environmental Contributors
Research has shown that drugs, alcohol, and even stress can activate a gene that is linked to depression and other mental problems. The activation of this gene can cause serious depression, mood swings, seizures, and manic-depressive episodes.
Hangovers from Alcohol
People who drink in an excessive amount commonly suffer from hangovers. These hangovers may cause the person to be extremely irritable and be sensitive to noise and light. They may also have mood swings and show signs of depression. As they continue and increase the amount they drink, their depression will worsen. Alcohol may temporarily depress a person’s mood, but as soon as they come off of it, they may feel even worse. To escape this feeling they turn back to alcohol and it becomes a revolving circle. This circle can be broken at an alcohol addiction centre.
It Can Be Hard to Stop
Many people think that a person battling an addiction to alcohol can stop whenever they choose. This is unfortunately not the case with most alcoholics. An alcoholic needs complete support and guidance in their alcohol recovery. It is important to determine why the person began to drink alcohol in the first place; then begin work on their depression, moods, and underlying issues. When these are discovered and resolved, the person may not see the reason to drink alcohol anymore. All of this takes patience, learning, and the willingness to change.
Treatment at an Alcohol Addiction Centre
Treatment at an alcohol addiction centre for an alcoholic is one of the best solutions. Alcohol addiction centres will help them to stabilise their moods and figure out what may be causing them to have depression. It will also teach them the effects of alcohol and how to live a sober life.