Resources & Downloads
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Meet Michael Gillis, Chief Clinical Officer at The Cabin
English DJ Fat Tony talks about his recovery and his impressions of The Cabin Chiang Mai
Patrick Walden at The Cabin Chiang Mai
Beyond Addiction – Journeys of Hope and Growth
The Cabin Chiang Mai Luxury and Tranquility in one of the World’s Most Desirable Destinations
What Clients Say About The Cabin Chiang Mai Addiction Treatment Centre
How is Addiction Treated?
How to Perform an Intervention?
Binge Drinker or Alcoholic?
What is the Role of Trauma in Addiction?
The Best Way to Treat Trauma and Addiction
Why is family therapy so important in addiction treatment?
Methamphetamine Addiction – signs & symptoms
How is Methamphetamine or ice Addiction Treated?
Prescription drugs – signs and risks of abuse and addiction
How prescription drug addiction is treated today
Treatment of addiction and co-occurring PTSD
Characteristics of Sex Addiction
DEMYSTIFYING ICE 2015 A short study into Australian knowledge and attitudes towards Ice and other illicit drugs in 2015
DEMYSTIFYING ICE 2016 Wave 2 of The Cabin’s annual study into Australian knowledge and attitudes towards Ice and other illicit drugs (2016)