Drugs are often found at concerts and parties.

Decoding The Popular Party Drug Dangers

Let’s explore the dangers associated with party drug abuse, a growing concern that transcends locations, cultures, and individual preferences.
Tha Pae Gate, Chiang Mai

Discover the Rejuvenating Charms and Culture of Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Maiโ€™s cool weather, lush mountainside, and rich culture make it an ideal place for rest and renewal and a prime spot for The Cabin Chiang Maiโ€™s rehab centre.
Drunk alcoholic man looking at whiskey glass

The Effects of Alcohol Intake on Your Body and Health

Learn about the effects of excessive alcohol intake on your body and health, and find out where to get professional help for alcohol addiction.
Mixing alcohol meth is a lethal combination for addiction

The Dangers of Mixing Meth and Alcohol

Learn about the dangers of mixing alcohol and meth and how The Cabin Chiang Mai offers a beacon of hope for those seeking rehabilitation.
A male employee holding a shot glass on his desk

The Impact of Alcoholism in the Workplace and How to Handle It

Alcoholism in the workplace has many hidden costs and can impact your company in several ways. Find out how to effectively deal with this issue.
Little girl cuddles up to her alcoholic dad

The Long-lasting Effects on Children of Having an Alcoholic Parent

Learn the multi-faceted effects on children of having alcoholic parents and how to mitigate their impact at The Cabin, Thailandโ€™s premier rehab centre.
Many people like to party on weekends

Are Your Monday Hangovers a Sign of Too Much Drinking?

Learn some signs that your weekend drinking has gotten out of control, and you should seek an alcohol addiction treatment programme.
Your life is offline; don't let it buffer.

Digital Overload: A Deep Dive Into The Effects of Internet Addiction

Break free from the grip of Internet addiction and heal from its hidden effects at The Cabin Chiang Mai. Find serenity and recovery in Thailand.
Londons open secret Emerging as a cocaine capital

London’s Open Secret: Emerging As A Cocaine Capital

Discover the shocking rise of cocaine use in London and find hope in The Cabin Chiang Mai’s rehabilitation programme for comprehensive recovery.
Private treatment are designed with your recovery in mind.

The Cabin Offers Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Thailand

Alcohol withdrawal shakes and tremors are a sign you need professional help. The Cabin is a rehab centre in Chiang Mai that provides the support you need.
Drunk man with glass of alcohol sitting on sofa while wife standing behind

Confronting an Alcoholic Issue in the Family

An alcohol issue can strike any family. Weโ€™ll tell you how to confront an alcoholic family member and urge them to seek effective treatment.
Why Australian Parents are Worried About Fortnite Addiction

Why Australian Parents are Worried About Fortnite Addiction

Fornite has experienced such worldwide growth that it has become a cultural phenomenon. The game registers close to 40 million players from around the world every month, currently totalling 250 million. And its popularity shows no sign of slowing โ€“ the upcoming Fortnite World Cup, with its $100 million purse, promises to stir up yet…
Why Problem Gambling is on the Rise Among Elderly Singaporeans

Why Problem Gambling is on the Rise Among Elderly Singaporeans

Though Singapore is home to only two casinos, it comes in second worldwide for gambling. And among the many gamblers in Singapore, more than half elderly โ€“ highlighting an urgent need for gambling addiction treatment catering to those in our respected aging population. According to a study published by the Journals of Gerontology, gambling problems…
Whatโ€™s Behind Singaporeโ€™s Increasing Demand for Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

Whatโ€™s Behind Singaporeโ€™s Increasing Demand for Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

Key Takeaway Singaporeโ€™s strict laws around alcohol consumption are no secret. But despite these attempts to reign in drinking, the number of people seeking alcohol rehab in Singapore continues to grow. According to the National Addictions Management Service (NAMS), several hundreds of Singaporeans and expats are seeking out professional help for problem drinking each year….
Eminem is 11 Years Sober From Prescription Drugs โ€“ and Deeply Grateful for It

Eminem is 11 Years Sober From Prescription Drugs โ€“ and Deeply Grateful for It

Marshall Bruce Mathers, better known as Eminem, is 11 years sober โ€“ and proud of it. The prolific rapper posted a photo of his 11-year chip on his Instagram and Twitter accounts with the caption โ€œ11 years – still not afraid,โ€ a brief but apt description of the bravery, hope and optimism inherent in the…