Welcome to the Cabin’s complete guide on how to quit cocaine. We’ve helped thousands of people recover from drug abuse using the very same methods we’re going to teach you in this article.
If you’re thinking about quitting cocaine, you should be proud of yourself. It’s a dangerous drug that can and usually does lead to mental health problems, financial ruin, losing your family, and life-threatening complications.
Once you’ve ceased taking the drug, your life will return to normal, and you’ll be free from the negative cycle of addiction once and for all.
The good news is that quitting is not nearly as hard as you think it is. It’s not “easy”, but with the right mindset, some helpful tips, and a little guidance, it can be done.
This guide will cover everything you need to know about quitting coke according to our medical team, who’ve helped countless addicts recover at our rehab centre. Including:
- A simple way to think about drug addiction
- How to deal with intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms
- Healthy coping skills
- What to do if you need professional help
Ready to change your life forever and lead a cocaine-free existence?
Let’s get started.
How Hard is It to Quit Cocaine?

Cocaine is a highly addictive drug with severe side effects. However, it’s not nearly as hard to quit as some other drugs like alcohol or heroin.
The main reason cocaine isn’t as hard to quit as other drugs is that withdrawal symptoms usually aren’t life-threatening and are milder than stronger drugs like opiates. You should get over them rather quickly.
And once you understand that coke is nothing but a harmful substance with no benefit at all, it becomes much easier to break free of the chains of addiction.
Now, with that being said, people with severe addiction should seek professional help immediately. Cocaine addiction can be life-threatening.
If you’ve been taking cocaine long enough, it may not be possible to quit cold turkey. If you use moderately, try to quit on your own using the tips you find in this article.
Just keep in mind what you are quitting for. Imagine this—instead of depression, anxiety, and a life at the mercy of cocaine cravings, you’re living a happy, healthy life free from substance abuse. That could be you in as little as a few weeks.
A better life is within reach. Let’s find out how…
Understanding Cocaine Addiction and How It Affects You (Read This First, Please)
Cocaine is a harmful stimulant that causes a mad rush of energy and euphoria. It does this by interfering with your brain’s ability to stop the flood of dopamine from entering your brain AND blocking your “reuptake” (ability to “clean out”) of the drug.
See the problem here? It not only causes a flood of feel-good chemicals from entering your brain, it blocks your brain’s ability to clear the chemicals out.
The result? You feel invincible, and life without cocaine feels dull.
Some addicts claim that using cocaine is like driving in a sports car with no speed limits: It all feels fun…until you crash and burn.
There’s a myth that cocaine is not as harmful as other substances. That is 100% NOT TRUE.
We have looked after hundreds of individuals who have been addicted to cocaine who are in poor health due to ongoing use. But you don’t need to take our word for it.
According to a study in the National Institutes of Health titled Adverse Health Consequences of Cocaine Abuse by Cregler, L.L, “Cocaine has multisystem toxicity involving neurologic, psychiatric, obstetric, pulmonary, dermatologic, and gastrointestinal systems“. That study goes on to say “When cocaine use becomes compulsive, psychosocial dysfunction, deviant behaviours, and a wide spectrum of social, financial, and family problems invariably result”.
It’s clear: Using cocaine causes heart issues (like heart attacks), digestive issues, and psychiatric problems. And it leads to addiction, social issues, problematic behaviours, financial problems, and overdose deaths.
And here’s why…
Repeated cocaine use (chronic drug use) results in a strong tolerance. The only solution? You need more cocaine to feel the same effects. Just like other substance use disorders, cocaine use disorder (CUD) is a trap: Using cocaine makes you feel terrible, and the only solution is more cocaine. Before you know it, you’ll do anything to get a bag, and your entire life spirals out of control.
That’s why it’s important that you break the cycle now while you still can.
What’s the Best Way to Quit Cocaine?
The best way to quit cocaine is by understanding that there is absolutely zero benefit at all to taking the drug.
If you’re here, it’s because cocaine is causing serious problems in your life. Many addicts come to us saying that their cocaine use has ruined their relationship with their families or cost them their job.
Is that enjoyable? We don’t think it is.
Now that you understand that, the following list contains the best methods for quitting cocaine:
- Inpatient Treatment/Cocaine Detox: If you’re suffering from severe medical complications like heart, stomach, or nasal issues, it’s best to get inpatient care immediately. You need medical supervision, or you’re at severe risk of medical issues. During inpatient treatment, you’ll receive counselling, addiction medicine, and holistic care that can help rebuild you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Contact us immediately for professional help.
- Outpatient Treatment: There are plenty of outpatient treatment options for people suffering from addiction. If you aren’t experiencing medical complications, you can most likely quit cocaine on your own without rehab (though it’s impossible to say without knowing more). This includes treatment such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, support groups, and holistic treatments like trauma therapy and spiritual practices to get your mind and body right.
- Support Groups: Please, if you are struggling, join a free support system like Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These groups are a life-changing network of fellow addicts all helping each other stay sober one day at a time. They are available all over the world, 100% for free.
How to Quit Using Cocaine Step by Step
We would like to provide you with a step-by-step action plan for giving up cocaine that will help you make the decision, execute, and stay sober.
We have found that many of the clients who attend our drug rehab clinic tried multiple times to quit before actually getting clean. That’s totally fine. Think of it as “field research” if you have to.
Whatever the case, creating a plan and following through will increase your chances of success.
Here’s what we recommend:
Step 1.) Make the Decision: You’re already here. Good job. You now know that cocaine does absolutely nothing for you except cause pain.
Step 2.) Let Friends And Family Know: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your friends and family members will want what’s best for you. If your friends who take cocaine don’t want you to quit, then they aren’t real friends.
Step 3.) Join a Support Group: Join a group now and start getting support from people who’ve suffered through what you’re suffering through now. This will help you stay committed and reduce the chances of relapse. You’ll also get some helpful tips for getting through the early stages of the recovery process.
Step 4.) Prepare for Withdrawals: Cocaine withdrawals aren’t the worst, but they aren’t pleasant either. Do your best to prepare for them. Take some time off work if possible, get some of your favourite foods, and stay hydrated. Whatever you do, DO NOT use it again. It will only make things worse.
5 Quick Tips for Quitting Coke from Our Addiction Specialists
Here at The Cabin, we’ve helped thousands of people suffering from substance use disorders make full recoveries. It is possible IF you’re ready to make a change and know a few tips.
So, we asked our recovery specialists on staff what they thought the best tips for quitting drugs were.
Here are their top tips for getting clean from cocaine:
Are There Any Withdrawal Symptoms When Quitting Cocaine?
Yes, you will most likely experience withdrawal symptoms (the “cocaine crash”) when quitting cocaine, though they generally aren’t as intense compared to other “harder drugs” like heroin.
Cocaine withdrawal symptoms include:
The severity and timeline of these symptoms depend heavily on a number of different factors.
For example, someone who only uses cocaine moderately may not suffer dangerous withdrawal symptoms, and they might get over withdrawals in as little as one day. But someone who has a severe dependence and uses daily may need medically supervised detox and deal with lingering issues like fatigue for several weeks.
According to a 2011 study called "Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2011: National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits" published by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMSHA.gov, about 40% of emergency department visits for illicit drugs involved cocaine.
We just want you to be aware of that figure. Cocaine addiction withdrawals typically aren't as severe as those of harder drugs like heroin, but they could still be quite dangerous depending on your situation.
What Are The Benefits of Quitting Cocaine?
The benefits of quitting cocaine are life-changing in every sense of the word. Imagine waking up looking forward to the day ahead instead of stressing about your next fix. Or, imagine feeling youthful, healthy, and full of gratitude instead of anxious, depressed, and irritable. That alone is worth giving it up. But there's so much more to it as well.
Before we get into the benefits in more detail, we just need to cover one very important aspect of how cocaine affects your brain that will help you in your recovery journey.
Cocaine literally destroys your brain's ability to enjoy anything that doesn't involve the drug. Like we said before, it causes a flood of dopamine in your mind every time you have a session (especially if you're taking it in higher doses). In order to compensate for this flood, your brain ramps down its natural production of "happiness chemicals" to balance things out.
The result? You become a zombie who lives every single waking moment fiending for your next hit. That in itself is the greatest benefit of quitting cocaine: You no longer live your life enslaved to a mind-altering substance.
Some of the other benefits of quitting cocaine include:
1. You Can Enjoy The Little Things Again
Your body's natural dopamine system will eventually repair itself after prolonged abstinence. In time, you'll enjoy all of life's little wonders again just like you did before you got hooked.
It could be watching a movie with your family, going for a walk, playing sports, or even just sitting and talking with friends.
2. Financial Savings
Cocaine IS NOT cheap. Even if you just take it on the weekends, it adds up quickly. You could literally be putting thousands of dollars into a savings account every year by kicking your cocaine habit.
3. You'll Feel Happy, Healthy, Calm, and Stable
Cocaine wreaks havoc on your mental health. It causes violence, psychosis, paranoia, panic, cravings, and anxiety that can only be "cured" by taking more of the drug.
When you get clean, you'll eventually return to your natural state of calm. Imagine, instead of living each day on the edge hunting down your next fix, you can feel calm, live a stable life, and find happiness without drugs. It's possible.
4. Restore Your Relationships
If you've come this far, cocaine must be hurting your personal life. If that happens to be the case, then getting clean will help you put the pieces back together again.
Cocaine, like other mind-altering substances, becomes your sole obsession when you're addicted. Addicts will put coke ahead of everything—their job, their family members, their friends.
When you finally break free from drugs, you can prioritise what really matters.
How Can The Cabin Help You Quit Cocaine for Good
If you're a cocaine user who's struggling to quit on your own, we can help you quit for good once and for all. And we can do it for a fraction of the price you'll pay anywhere in the Western World.
We can help you do more than quit. We can help you stay clean and grow into the person you've always wanted to be. You can try to quit cold turkey without professional treatment, but it's so much easier when you have a dedicated team helping you every step of the way.
Our treatment centre is in Northern Thailand, nestled in an ideal setting for recovery. Here you can recover mentally, spiritually, and physically. You could even learn Buddhism, yoga, Muay Thai fighting, or cooking. You may even find that you love it so much that you never leave. Some of our alumni have settled down in Thailand and still live here.
You might think it's expensive, but it's not. It's actually a lot cheaper than going to a rehab centre in the Western World. Even with flights included, it's still thousands and thousands of dollars cheaper to attend our clinic here.
We offer inpatient cocaine addiction treatment here in Thailand, but we also have outpatient care facilities across the world. At the very least, we can help you find suitable treatment, like a mental healthcare provider. Contact us today for your free evaluation. We will respond within 24 hours.