Has boredom struck in addiction recovery? Check out these eight great activities to ensure you are having fun โ while avoiding addiction relapse!

Addiction recovery, no matter what kind, is one of the hardest and most trying processes that a person can go through. Addicts often feel like every day is a struggle to stop themselves from using again, and this can be stressful and trying for the addict as well as their family and friends. Life in addiction recovery may feel like it is mundane and people who have just come out of addiction treatment often do not know how to go about having fun when they are not using.
Boredom is one of the most damaging factors in addiction recovery. Not only is it an undesirable aspect of addiction recovery; it is also potentially very dangerous to the recovery process itself. People who become bored often reminisce about their old lives before they started living sober, and this could lead them to question their recovery process and whether all the adversity and effort is worth it to stay clean. Boredom is one of the main reasons that people turn to drug and alcohol abuse in the first place, which means that boredom is a big addiction relapse trigger for anyone in addiction recovery. Thus, keeping occupied and steering clear of boredom is integral to staying sober.
8 Healthy Activities in Addiction Recovery that will Alleviate Boredom
When people first come out of drug rehab or an addiction treatment centre, they may feel a bit unsure about what they are meant to do with their days. This is especially true for people who were addicts for a long period of time, as they may have forgotten what it is that they enjoyed doing when they were sober.During active addiction, an addict’s whole personality and character becomes based around their drug addiction, and so when they are in addiction recovery they tend to feel lost and confused about what to do with their spare time. Below are some activities that are perfect for those in addiction recovery โ ensuring a healthy, exciting and boredom-free sober life:
1. Adventure sports.
Many people in addiction recovery struggle from feeling a lack of adrenaline, and you may feel like the thrill has gone out of your life now that you are no longer using. One of the best ways to get this feeling back, and to experience an adrenalin rush, is to participate in adventure sports. Sports such as kayaking, surfing and mountain biking or even skydiving are all good examples of sports that can offer a healthy way to get the adrenalin pumping and to satisfy any cravings for thrills.
2. Rediscovering old hobbies and finding new ones.
Before addiction set in, every addict had something they enjoyed doing before drugs, alcohol or another addiction took over their life. Now that you are in recovery, take time to think about what these hobbies and activities were, and get back into them. This can bring a reconnection to your past before addiction and help you see that life was good at that stage too. Hobbies such as photography, sports, stamp collections, painting and reading are all healthy hobbies for someone in addiction recovery.
It is equally as important to look for new hobbies as well. Always wanted to learn a new language? Learn to build a shelving unit? Look for classes and clubs in your area where you can learn about something new. Not only will it be fun, but it will give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your self-confidence which is an integral part of addiction recovery.
3. Group exercise.
Unfortunately, many people look at exercise as something that is difficult and boring โ but it does not have to be! Especially when you join a group exercise class such as Zumba, spinning or bootcamp. Or perhaps join a swimming or tennis club โ anything that seems more like fun to you than typical exercise.
Joining these groups or classes will offer a plethora of benefits including increased physical fitness, increased mental function, increased self-confidence and of course โ a chance to meet new people and increase your social circle with people you share an interest with.
4. Yoga and meditation.
Yoga and meditation are two of the most useful activities for someone in addiction recovery, as they allow you to refocus your thoughts, control your breathing and concentrate on mindfulness. Both of these activities encourage overall health and positive thinking. Retraining your thought patterns is a major part of addiction recovery, and yoga โ especially combined with mindfulness meditation โ can help you do just that.
5. Find a sober bar.
Several cities around the world have recently adopted the idea of sober bars โ a place that people choosing a sober life(or night out) can go to dance, listen to great music, drink delicious โmocktails’ and meet new people โ all without any alcohol. If you are lucky enough to have a sober bar in your area, it is a great place to have fun and meet people without the dangers and temptations that come with a regular bar serving alcohol.
6. Plan a sober party.
If you are not living in a city that has a sober bar, try planning your own sober party! Sober parties can be a lot of fun, and the work and planning of the party leading up to the big day can give you something to fill your spare time with, and something to look forward to.
You can invite your sober and non-sober friends โ as long as everyone is told ahead of time what type of party it is going to be. Invite people from your regular meetings, and tell them to bring a friend โ meeting new people is always a great โpick-me-up’.
If you are not sure where to begin, check out these sober party planning tips to ensure that your party is a success!
7. Volunteer for a good cause.
Volunteering is a great way to not only help other people, but to give yourself a sense of purpose, raise your own self-confidence and meet new people. There is a wide variety of volunteering options, including animals shelters, old age homes, soup kitchens, or even helping out at your local AA or NA meetings. A simple Google search should provide you a list of volunteer options in your area, or find something that you are very interested in and pursue that. But no matter where you end up volunteering, you are guaranteed to feel accomplished and good about yourself at the end of the day.
8. Spend time with friends and family.
One of the most rewarding things about being clean and sober is that you have the opportunity to rebuild relationships with your loved ones. Take time out to do things with those people that are closest to you โ go for a walk in the park with your family, or play some sports with your mates. Rebuilding these relationships will do worlds of good for both you and your family members who were hurt during your addiction.
Being in addiction recovery can be extremely hard, and we can confidently tell you that no one finds it easy. However, the most important thing is to keep yourself busy and discover what it is that you love doing now that you are living sober. Try out hobbies, old and new, until you find something(s) that makes you feel alive. See the people you love whenever you can, and focus on regaining a joyful, productive life once again.