Most people are unable to pay their bills, such as flat or house rent, car payments, and utilities in advance. If you are in this situation, it may help to contact the companies or individuals responsible for payment and explain to them your circumstances in as much detail as you choose.
It may seem like your thoughts about checking into rehab are moving at an almost overwhelming pace. After all, there are likely to be several small details that you must take care of before you can begin your programme. For example, if you are a parent who will look after your children, if you have pets or plants who will take care of them. You must also take your bills, mail, and work into consideration. These are all important details to take care of before you leave; however, it is likely that you are not in the best position to figure out just how to do so. Below are some simple tips that can help you to sort out the small details allowing you to walk into the rehab centre worry free.
Organise Time off at Work
If you are currently working, do not assume that you must lose your job in order to go to rehab. Inform your employer you need to take a month off of work or whatever number of days you intend to spend at the centre. Keep in mind, that some workplaces have rules in place that allow employees to keep their job if they need leave for medical treatment. If this applies to you, you may want to open up and be honest about your destination.
Put a Hold on Your Utilities
If you live by yourself, you may want to contact your utility companies and ask them to put a hold on your services. If they ask you for a reason, you may say that you will be on vacation. Although this may not seem very important, it can save you any kind of late fee or interest fee when you return and of course it is friendlier for the environment.
Take Care of Any Bill
Most people are unable to pay their bills, such as flat or house rent, car payments, and utilities in advance. If you are in this situation, it may help to contact the companies or individuals responsible for payment and explain to them your circumstances in as much detail as you choose. Perhaps you know that you will not have the money to pay your bills once you have left the centre because you have not been working and may not have been given pay for your leave. If this is the case, you many choose to explain that you have had a medical emergency; thus, the companies may give you a few months break on paying your bills.
Find Someone to Watch Your House
Since you will be in treatment for at least one month, you may want to have any mail held by your local post office, keep your yard tidy, and have a sober friend or family member watch your house so that you do not have to worry while in treatment about your property.
Take Care of Children, Pets, and Plants
If you are a single parent and have children, it will be important to find someone who will be able to take care of them while you are away. If you have a spouse or partner who can watch them, you may want to organise a few days in which a grandparent or other relative can take the children out, allowing your spouse or partner to have a day to themselves. Pets and plants will also need food and water, ask a family member or friend if they would not mind being responsible for them while you are away.
Aside from your own mental and physical wellbeing, as well as what you will tell your loved ones, these small details are some of the most important things to consider before checking into rehab. If you can take care of these things you will be able to check into a treatment centre with a clear mind; allowing you to focus completely on your sobriety.