Even though some 1000 clients have successfully completed treatment with us since we began operations in 2009, we still keep in touch with all of them and follow their progress – both through The Cabin’s Online Video Aftercare Programme and, more informally, through the personal relationships that our counsellors have built with many of their clients. Below is a selection of client updates that make us proud.
A drink or drug is no longer my solution to life
Rosa, Perth, Graduated October 2013
Upon entering The Cabin Reunion I was filled with sense of ease and comfort, this is what I came here for. I was welcomed with smiles and hugs. The joy in everyone else’s faces brought the joy out on mine. We did it! We had walked in there on our own accord without a drug, without a drink, without an active addiction. For nearly most of us, and I’m talking about myself here, that was not the case the first time.
Arriving in Chiang Mai I was feeling restless and unsettled, looking for a new experience … A Holiday. I had forgotten my reasons for returning. I was caught up in me.
Upon entering The Cabin Reunion I was filled with sense of ease and comfort, this is what I came here for. I was welcomed with smiles and hugs. The joy in everyone else’s faces brought the joy out on mine.
We did it! We had walked in there on our own accord without a drug, without a drink, without an active addiction. For nearly most of us, and I’m talking about myself here, that was not the case the first time. I was escorted in after a local hospital trip after drinking and taking whatever I could on the plane, carrying with me a big bag of burden filled with guilt, shame and remorse!
I read an article yesterday that said human bonding is the solution to addiction, we had bonded with our drug of choice and now it was about bonding with others. Returning to The Cabin I was filled with that bonding, be it with people I went in there with or others I had just met. We all had something in common. This is where we had cleaned up. This is where we had made a change. A new life had started here, a sense of freedom.
Talking with the current clients, the greatest gift was being able to say you can walk out of here and not pick up .When I left there I was still in a lot of fear, the thought of using felt unimaginable but previous experience had shown me that this isn’t always the case .
In The Cabin I learnt the importance of connecting with other addicts and alcoholics, how that filled the hole I had inside. To get honest and listen to suggestions and to work on myself rather than work on changing others.
These things I took with me when I left and have carried with me in my recovery. Talking with other addicts is what keeps me clean today , doing the inner work is what keeps me clean today and believing that there is something bigger than ‘me, myself and I’ out there, keeps me clean today.
I can look back at my time there today with happiness. That was the start of being shown how to live life clean and sober. I continue to learn and grow, I have made mistakes in recovery, and life keeps happening I can’t change that but I do know that a drink or a drug won’t fix me today. It no longer is my solution to life.
Another year has passed gratefully
JK, Hong Kong, Graduated May 2013
For the 2015 Reunion, I was so happy to go back to a place that gave me a chance to heal grow change and begin to learn how to live. I was excited to reconnect with all the peers councellors and support staff.
As I walked through the door that feeling of love, safety and support came over me. I felt at home and welcome; although I had expectation of seeing many of my recovering friends from during treatment, I was struck with three that I knew and grateful for that. The best part of being back was giving back to the new clients, sharing my experience, strength and hope.
I had the best night ever camping out under the stars at the safe place that will always be in my heart for giving me my life back. Recovery works, I need it every single day!